Subject: Re: OFFTOPIC? Netscape stability
To: Greg Evans <>
From: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/29/1998 11:09:52
>>> 4.0.x Crashes consistantly and refuses to run on my Q610 if I have _any_
>>> other apps open.
>>That's curious.  I've found Communicator to be infinitely more stable than
>>3.x (almost no crashes except in the MkLinux version).  But then, I'm
>>using System 7.5.5 on a PM7100.  What version of MacOS are you using?
>MacOS 8.1 on my Q610.  On the 7200 I had at my old job, 4.0.4 of Netscape
>was a Rock Solid performer, it is just crappy on my 040..

My son and I have had opposite experiences - he uses a 9500 and found 3.x
to be good and 4.x to be much better as far as syability is concerned. I
use a Q950 and found 3.x unusable - it would ALWAYS crash just as I found
what I was looking for. It could not do searches at all! 4.x was much
better, but still exasperating - I would give it 30 megs and it would still
crash occasionally. In both cases it would sometimes crash AFTER I had
closed Netscape, so it must have screwed up system memory somehow. I got in
the habit of rebooting whenever I was through with it.

I switched to the latest Internet Explorer some months ago, and haven't had
a crash with it since!

Dan Killoran

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