Subject: Re: Misc HWDIRECT fixes
To: Benoit MARTEL <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/29/1998 20:13:18
On Thu, 29 Jan 1998, Benoit MARTEL wrote:
> Second, the problem he reports having been fixed is not the same problem
> I was getting. He had difficulties when attempting to use X whereas I had
> problems during boot.
> The rest of the email should still be correct. I can reproduce the bootup
> hangs and crashes. It only seems that I sometimes get a live debugger but
> other times it is frozen.
Is the lack of adb in the debugger WRT a IIsi? I've not been successful
w/ adb in the debugger at all on a IIsi (I've had a couple of minor
glitches...). This is with the first of the -current GENERIC sbc kernels.
Version: 3.1
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