Subject: Re: ppp filters
To: Tsukasa Koizumi <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/31/1998 12:44:36
Tsukasa Koizumi wrote:
> I'd like to make to be able using only http and smtp on a host from
> ppp connction.
> I'm using HWDIRECT kernel. Has that been complied with PPP_FILTER option ?
> I'm trying but filters of pppd does not work.....
Which HWDIRECT kernel are you using? There are a couple on puma which are
more or less 1.3 release kernels but with HWDIRECT support which should
have IPFILTER turned on (which is probably what you want). I believe you
can find them here:
> If NOT, please let me know some good ways, or free fire-wall softwares
> on NetBSD/mac68k.
There is a wonderful page on how to use IP-Filter located here:
I hope this helps.
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.