Subject: Re: su prob
To: Brian Carroll <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/31/1998 18:38:49
Brian Carroll wrote:
> I'm having problems giving my account su privileges. When I installed 1.3
> on a different harddrive I had no problems, just added my login name to
> the wheel group. But I just installed 1.3 on a different hard drive and
> even though I have my login name to the wheel group, I get a "sorry" when
> I try to su.
Make sure that there are no spaces around the _comma-separated_ list of
usernames in the wheel entry in the /etc/group file. Also, consider
making your default gid 0 (i.e. wheel) in /etc/master.passwd.
> Another problem, well more of an annoyance, if that when using X windows
> regular system messages come up fine in the console window but error
> messages from xserver come up at the bottom of the screen, messing things
> up. How do I set thins up so thoughs messages also are sent to the
> console window?
You might be able to run xconsole and have all error messages redirected
there. A simple "xrefresh" will clean up the screen, tho. How often do
you get error messages from the server itself? I don't believe I've ever
seen any that I can remember...
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.