Subject: HFS+ and 68k machines
To: port-mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/01/1998 18:04:42
In regards to Steve's and Nigels recent posts (that I deleted 5 seconds
before remembering this), there is a known problem with booting 68k
machines off of an HFS+ disk (i.e. it doesn't work, nor will it ever
work).  So, it's conceivable that this is in some way related.....although
I've got to admit, I don't know what MacOS is doing at the time the Booter
tries to shut it down, so maybe not (and I really don't know why it would
have problems when it's not booting off the volume which has the HFS+

Anyway, perhaps this will help some.


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.