Subject: Re: How do i get off this list!!!
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Rodney Myrup <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/24/1998 16:52:37
sorry about that, but it is that i get over 350 messages a day and i don't
have the time to look through all of them.

.-----________________--_    ________.--'- --._____
 \____==================_)   \_'=================== 
        _,--   .-|__|-._______|=====/   ---'
         ---------.__              |(        Rodney Myrup
                     \           -'          A Star Trek Fan
                      ----------'            %-)

On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Colin Wood wrote:

> Rodney Myrup wrote:
> > would someone please tell me how to get off this mailing list!!!?
> at least 2 people (including myself) have already sent this info:
> send mail to
> with the body of the message containing the line:
> unsubscribe port-mac68k
> It must be the same email address that you subscribed with in the first
> place.  This information is listed in both the FAQ and the piece of mail
> you received when you first subscribed to the list.
> Later.
> -- 
> Colin Wood                       
> Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.