Subject: Re: Fastest NetBSD 68k computer?
To: Josh Hope <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/25/1998 00:05:30
On Tue, Feb 24, 1998 at 11:34:23PM -0500, Josh Hope wrote:

> Does anyone know how fast the Amiga 060's are? Perhaps *they* are the
> fastest NetBSD 68k computers :)

While we're on the edge of being on-topic, two things come to mind.

Well, okay - only one thing. Hardware doesn't really matter a whole lot,
in most cases. I've started running NetBSD on a couple Intel machines, and
it's really the same stuff. It wasn't like switching to the Other Side -
it involved using everything I already use, but having it all move faster.

Folks are talking about getting $750 and $800 Quadra 840AVs when it ought
to be possible to get near 200mHz and copious RAM in an Intel machine for
the same price. Just a thought. It's not like the software you're going to
be running is any different, and there's always the bonus of not having to
keep around a partition for the sole purpose of running a booter.

That said, maybe I've just been unlucky, but it seems that hardware just
isn't as nice on the Intel side of the world. I have yet to find a keyboard
as nice as my Apple Extended II. All the PC keyboards I've tried feel like
they're going to fall apart in the next hard wind.

Sorry 'bout wasting the bandwidth. (Incidentally, it's rather shocking to
find myself advocating the use of Intel-based hardware. Oh well... Running
a 40mHz 486 with twenty megs of RAM is just nice, when compared to my SE/30
running with eight megs of RAM. Kernel compiles are down to under an hour
and a half now, from seven. :)

Mason Loring
"In the drowsy dark cave of the mind dreams build their nest with fragments
 dropped from day's caravan."--Rabindranath Tagore...awake ? sleep : dream;