Subject: XFmail and others
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/01/1998 00:56:51
Does anyone here use XFmail or any other X e-mail readers? I currently
have XFmail, and would like to use it, however, it keeps hanging it one
point. I do need a x-window e-mail program that can get mail from pop3
hosts. If anyone can't help with xfmail then I'll try another one that
supports pop3.
Here is my current problem with XFmail. When first starting up XFmail it
says "Resolving" in the little status window. Ok, since
I do have with my current IP, it just sits there and
never gets past that point. Is there anything that I can perhaps add to
/etc/hosts to make it so it doesn't have to resolve that address?
Any help at all is appreciated.