Subject: Adding an additional hard drive to my file system
To: macbsd <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/06/1998 11:20:48
I tried to add another disk drive to my file system last night by
following the directions below.  I had just the base, etc, &
wormspace#61 packages installed.  I have a 240meg drive for the file
system at /dev/sd0a and a 40meg drive for swap at /dev/sd1b and I wanted
to add a 260meg drive at /dev/sd2g mounted at /usr/X11R6.  The root file
system & swap drive coexist nicely.  


1] stick the new drive in. (does it matter which internal drive is
2] newfs -O /dev/sd2g from netbsd.
3] add "/dev/sd2g	/usr/X11R6 ffs	rw 1 2"  to /etc/fstab
4] reboot

It freezes befor the line 'adding tty flags' in the boot process.  Can
anyone see any blatent errors?



> > What would be the easist way to add say a /home partition in NetBSD 1.3 
> > and have it come up on boot?
> What kind of disk space do you have? ;-)
> For the "generic" answer:
> 1) Create a partition of the desired size using your favorite formatting
> software (or clean off an old partition that you don't need anymore).
> 2) Use Mkfs to zap the partition into a NetBSD Usr type partition.
> 3) Use Mkfs to "format" the partition
> 4) Boot into NetBSD (might as well be multi-user)
> 5) Archive your current home directory:  (as root)
>       cd /
>       tar cvpf /tmp/home.tar /home
> 6) Figure out where your new partition is:  first, find out which disk
> device the partition is on (e.g. sd0, sd1) and do 'disklabel sdX' where
> 'X' is the number of the device in question.  The output should show you
> at least 1 new partition of type "NetBSD Usr".  Remember which letter the
> partition is assigned to.
> 7) Add the partition to /etc/fstab (here's mine, yours probably won't be
> on 'e'):
> /dev/sd0e       /home   ffs     rw 1 2
> 8) Attempt to mount it:
> mount /home
> ls /home
> You should get a relatively empty directory with only "lost+found" in it.
> 9) Unarchive the old home into the new one:
> tar xvpf /tmp/home.tar
> 10) Unmount the directory:
> umount /home
> 11) Remove the old directory, make a new one;
> /bin/rm -rf /home
> mkdir /home
> 11) Remount the new dir:
> mount /home
> 12) Make sure everything is still there via 'ls'
> At this point, you should be able to reboot and have the directory mount
> automatically on multi-user boot.
> I hope this helps.
> Later.
> -- 
> Colin Wood                       
> Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.