Subject: Help!!!(Off Topic)
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Hazbun <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/14/1998 09:26:40

	I just bought a new SCSI drive off of an Auctionweb in order to have
more space for MacBSD.  The problem is that after checking the jumpers
and drive info on the Maxtor web, the Apple SCSI setup tool still won't
recognize it.  I was wondering if anyone here had a drive setup program
that they could e-mail me.  If so I would greatly appreciate it. I am
wondering if this is the problem or if it is just a drive that got
damaged in transit.  

The drive requires more power than the mac can supply so I hooked up
it's power to an external supply and the internal scsi cable on the mac
to the proper port on the drive,( this was done with the case open.)
The computer is a Mac IIsi and the drive is a Maxtor LXT-340SY.
More info for the drive can be found at

Thanks in advance.  It's been hell just trying to get the hardware so
that I can run this machine as a server.