Subject: Re: How does NetBSD use his swap ?
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Adrian Rollett <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/25/1998 09:11:06
On Tue, 24 Mar 1998, Colin Wood wrote:

> Vincent BARAT wrote:
> > 
> > If I manage to really overload virtual memory, what would be the behavior of NetBSD ?
> I'm not sure, but on my 8MB SE/30, the machine hung solid when I tried to
> start X and I had _no_ swap configured.  I would suspect a similar
> reaction if you actually ran out.

One time, X died on me with the error "out of memory" or some such. I had
a lot of stuff open, it seems that it hit the top of the VM space and
just killed X to deal with it. Now if you managed to overload the machine
on the console, I have no clue what would happen....
