Subject: Re: Networking problem...
To: SamMaEl <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/31/1998 22:47:09
At 05:32 PM -0600 03/25/98, SamMaEl wrote:
>	If this is the same problem as I had with my Q630, I think a
>kernel I compiled should do the trick. Take a look at
> It is a basically GENERIC
>kernel with a patch for the Valkyrie internel video board given to me by
>Michael Zucca. Works fine on my Q630, and a few other people have had
>success with it as well.

Just so you know... I grabbed this kernel and it _did_ fix my problem.
Everything works beautifully now. Thanks, SamMaEl and Colin Wood!

You can find the machine in question at [], should
you be interested.

>	Does anyone know if this patch has gotten into 1.3.1 or -current?

It is _not_ in 1.3.1 (I tried that first), I don't know about -current
(though Colin said that he thought it was).

Thanks again!

  gabriel rosenkoetter | | |