Subject: Re: Trouble with fvwm95
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dan McMahill <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/05/1998 13:35:20
In message <l03102800b14d6b39d03d@[]>, Roger Fischer writes:
>I installed fvwm and have been trying to run it instead of twm.  When I do,
>I get the following error.
>scooter: {1} fvwm95 -display scooter:0 &
>[1] 6410
>scooter: {2} /usr/libexec/ fvwm95: No such file or

>/usr/libexec/ exists, but I'm not sure about the  What
>is it and where should it go?  I'm on an SE/30. is the shared library for the xpm graphics stuff.  You need to
install xpm for fvwm to work.  I don't remember if xpm ships with it or not, but
xpm is available as a package under

If you have a network (ethernet or ppp) connection, you can download and 
install via


(as root).

This should put the libXpm library in /usr/pkg/lib.

the next step is to make look there for it.  The best way is in

add a line

to the file.  My /etc/ looks like:


see man ldconfig to see how to make this take effect without rebooting.
