Subject: port-mac68k-digest V1 #384
To: port-mac68k mailing list <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/10/1998 00:43:34
>On Sat, 28 Mar 1998, Roger Fischer wrote:
>> I don't like having to SU everytime I start PPP.
>> I did a chmod o+x on all the ppp-scripts and I checked that pppd is
>> other+x, but still if I try to start ppp as anything other than root, I
>> permission denied. How can I change this?
>> #2
>> How do I get my prompt to change when I 'su root'? If I 'su -' it does a
>> full login and that works, but that changes my directory and everything.
Have you tried 'su' all by itself? (In My case) I would assume roots
shell, but keep my current directory.
Also, perhaps make yourself a 'wheel' member (add your name after root's
in /etc/groups line for 'wheel'. Comma seperated, but no spaces.)
Apologies for the late reply...just un-backlogging my mail.
Steve Revilak