Subject: Re: Installer proposal...
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/14/1998 18:18:13
On Tue, 14 Apr 1998 08:36:04 +0000,
Brad Salai <> wrote:
> I've got one (for now) suggestion about sysinst. I used it for the first time
> recently, and got hung up at the point where it asks what media type the
> ethernet connection is. The default is 10base2/BNC. I'm using 10baseT. I
> couldn't guess what to tell it. 10baseT doesn't work, it appends /BNC to it and
> fails. 10baseT <spaced> <space> <space> <space> wont work either, but it does
> get rid of the /BNC.
> The right answer, I'm told, is 10baseT/UTP, but I would not have gotten there
> on my own.
> 10base2 : BNC /= 10baseT : UTP The correct answer would be more like
> 10baseT/RJ45
Or, 10base2/Coax and 10baseT/UTP ;-)
Well, frankly I don't understand why /.* after 10base[25T] is
necessary at all. AFAIK, 10base2 means you use BNC connector and
coaxial cable, 10base5 means you use AUI, tranceiver and the yellow
cable (forgot the official name), and 10baseT means you use RJ45 and
UTP cable. So, to me, it seems totally redundant.
Why can't we just use 10base[25T]?