Subject: Re: multiple partitions...
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/18/1998 11:16:44
> >	The quickest way to get all the local filesystems in single user
> >	mode is to:
> >
> >		fsck -p
> >		mount -va
> OK, I think that I found the problem...remember when there were problems
> with rc when users had to add a / as an argument to the fsck line in rc
> during one of the upgrades? Well, I had left mine so that that line read
> fsck -p /. At the time, you'd get a syntax error without the /, & it'd give
> you the syntax line from man. Since at that time, I only had 1 BSD
> partition, it didn't matter. Now that I have the two, I'll assume that
> leaving it as fsck -p / tells fsck to only check the root partition. I
> changed that line so that it just reads fsck -p, & the next time I boot
> into NetBSD, I'll try to crash the system to test. On that note, anyone
> know a "safe" way to mark a filesystem unclean? I know that I could just
> force fsck to check anyway, but that defeats the purpose of testing my rc
> ;-).
	I do not know of a 100% safe way to mark a filesystem as dirty.
	(short of modifing the kernel to not set the clean flag :),
	but the easiest safe way is probably:

	boot single user
	fsck -p
	mount -va
	(wait 30 seconds)
	panic the machine, or pull the plug.

	Sinc you are in single user mode there are no programs trying to
	update any files, plus the 'sync' tells the system to write any
	uncommitted data to disk.


             -=-  Sue me, screw me, walk right through me  -=-