Subject: Re: 8/24 Nubus Card
To: Armen Babikyan <>
From: Nathan Raymond <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/24/1998 21:41:46
On Fri, 24 Apr 1998, Armen Babikyan wrote:

> > No, its not a GC, just a plain 8/24.
> off topic here - what video modes and resolutions is this card capable of
> doing?
> thanks,

The most common version supports 640x480 at 8 bits, and with 2 256k VRAM
SIMMs installed, 24-bit (UNaccelerated non-busmastered 24-bit, really
slow!)  According to the MacLiberty DB-15 to VGA adapter documentation,
the Rev.  B version of the card will support 832x624 and 1024x768
fixed-res, but I haven't verified this.

Nathan Raymond