Subject: re--POP mail
To: port-mac68k mailing list <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/01/1998 00:19:13
Ron Thompson <>writes:
>I've got pine, and it works great, and I'm progressing greatly on learning
>UN*X stuff and NetBSD stuff, but I'm not sure what program supports pop
>mail. I was told popclient might work, so I installed that, but since
>it's for FreeBSD, it didn't work (it said it was the wrong platform).
>So any suggestions on a small, easy to use, no frills pop client?
> Thanks!
> -Ron
As a pop client, I've had good luck with fetchmail. Sorry, but I don't
remember where I downloaded it from. I did a yahoo search for 'fetchmail'.
Chrrent version is 4.3 (I think). You'll need to compile it, but it does
so rather painlessly.
For sending mail, I'm using elm at the moment.
Steve Revilak