Subject: Re: dt
To: Tim Bessie <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/04/1998 15:55:04
> utilize them can give.  At least, _I'd_ be able to tell the
> difference.  Of course, an X server that understood 4-bit
> depths would be wonderful, too.  Not that I'm complaining. ;-)

Ken? Any comment on this? :)

> I haven't heard about wscons... what is it?

wscons is the "official" new NetBSD raster console driver. It does all the
nice stuff like mouse cutting and pasting, virtual terminals, etc. Work is
under way to fix our video subsystem and the console code. We're looking to
dump ite and grf and use wscons and some other graphics API instead.