Subject: Re: Accelerator cards to sell ?
To: Roy Wood <>
From: Roger Fischer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/06/1998 00:20:17
At 8:48 AM -0700 5/5/98, Roy Wood wrote:
>>I'm loooking for an accelerator card for my Centris 650.
>>I've heard about Sonnet QuadDoubler cards and I'd like
>>to know if there are supported by NetBSD and if someone here has one
>>of these cards to sell ?
>The Sonnet cards are very nice, but there's a much cheaper solution if
>you have a C650.  With only about $10-$20 worth of parts, you can
>overclock it to 40MHz and get the same or better performance than you'd

Let me know how overclocking works on your machine?  I have a Centris 610
that was clocked when I got it. (20 Mhz -> 33 Mhz).  It was great.  I used
it for about 1.5 years when I decided I wanted to ethernet it with my
SE/30.  I spent 2 months trying to ethernet to work between the two. I
assumed the problem was the SE/30 because of the add in card and the 610
had ethernet built-in).  It turned out to be the overclocking on the
Centris causing the problem.  The instant I removed the clock chipper,
everything started working great.  Unfortunately, I started having more
crashes and freezes, especially with internet apps.  I think at 20 MHz, it
just couldn't keep upl


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