Subject: Re: Booting Help Requested
To: mwalker <>
From: Charles Youse <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/15/1998 10:03:59
This may be way off base, but an immediate problem I see is A/UX v3
partitions. As far as I know, they need to be version 2.


On Thu, 14 May 1998, mwalker wrote:

> Could someone help me?
> I have read lots of FAQ's on the installation, booting and errors, and I
> think I'm way over my head on this one. At the least, confused.
> I have recently installed OpenBSD 2.2 on my Quadra 630. I have it installed
> into an exernal LaCie 2.1g HD, at SCSI ID 0. I partitioned it with
> Silverlining 5.8.2 using their default A/UX v3 partitions which I have
> resized. The four partitions are set up as follows:
> A/UX Root of 125meg.
> Eschatology of 3meg.
> User Slice 3 of 350meg.
> Swap of 19meg.
> I used the NetSBD/Mac68k Installer 1.1g  to install almost all of the
> necessary OpenBSD files:
> Base22.tar.gz
> BSD-generic.tar.gz
> etc22.tar.gz
> text22.tar.gz
> After these files were installed, I then selected "Build Devices" from the
> installer menu. Everything went smoothly, with one error being reported.
> This is what my final screen in the NetSBD/Mac68k Installer looked like:
> MacBSD UFS file and install utility
> <<SNIP instruction on installation>>
> sd0 at scsi ID 0
> sd1 at scsi ID 5
> Partition read, SCSIID = 0
> Mounting partition 'A' as /
> sd0a: Root 'A/UX Root/ at 192 size 257212
> sd0b: Swap 'Swap' at 257404 size 40960
> sd0d: Other (APPLE_FREE) 'Extra' at 1021308 size 1244200
> sd0e: Other (APPLE_UNIX_SVR2) 'Eschatology 1' at 298364 size 6144
> sd0f: Other (APPLE_UNIX_SVR2) 'Free UNIX slice 3' at 304508 size 716800
> sd0g: HFS_PART 'Whooper' at 2265508 size 1961000
> sd0h: Other (APPLE_FREE) 'Extra' at 4226508 size 217
> Error on SCSIRead(), # 5
> The last line is somewhat of a concern to me. I have my external CD ROM,
> Zip drive and my LaCie HD on a daisy chain in that order. My HD is the last
> in the chain and terminated. SCSI #5 is my Zip drive. My CD drive is seldom
> used so the power is off most of the time. Whereas my Zip drive is on all
> the time. Maybe I should put my HD as the first device?
> I rebooted the Mac setting it to the Base 8.1 extensions. Then I tried
> using the BSD/Mac68k Booter 1.11.1 to boot into unix, using the default
> values of the program, with no luck. The booter program keeps giving me
> this:
> NetBSD/Mac68k Launch
> Debugging at level 0.
> Booting. . .File "netbsd" not found.
> Could not open kernel "(0,?)netbsd".
> ********* Boot Stopped. *********
> As I understand from the MacBSD FAQ, the booter is giving me an error
> regarding the SCSI ID of the drive the partions are on. But it is indeed ID
> 0. I have tried to boot into openbsd, macbsd, and mac68k, but I get the
> same error.
> Okay, I give! What have I done wrong?
> Thank you,
> Mike