Subject: re: a few questions
To: port-mac68k mailing list <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/21/1998 22:33:40
"m. d. walker" <> wrote:
>A few questions though:
>1) When I get the prompt, it asks for my terminal type. I enter vt100, but
>do I need address this problem?
You're booting single-user. Set up an account for yourself and then edit
etc/rc.conf. Change the line
RC Configured=NO to
RC Configured=Yes
To enable a multi-user mode boot. If you have access to a book on Unix
admin, this can help you with setting an account up. Otherwise, mail
me...once upon I wrote up a set of instructions and should still have them
laying around. (Disclaimer: I'm not a guru...I've just whacked my head
against the wall enough to know how to get a few things working :-).
>3) Is there a polite way to exit unix, rather than just rebooting the Mac?
As a wheel member, you can use the command 'shutdown now' to bring the
system to single user mode. As root, type 'halt'. A few seconds later
you'll see the message 'you may turn the machine off or hit any key to
Alternatively, instead of 'halt', type 'reboot' to do a soft reboot to
Good luck!
>Now, if I can only keep from screwing everything up!
Heh...that's half the fun of it!
Steve Revilak