Subject: Re: IPNAT trouble - system crashes (fwd)
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Armen Babikyan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/22/1998 16:42:12
> > I have been using IPNAT here at my house for awhile now and I love it. I
> > have two computers on the network, a q700/NetBSD box (runs ipnat) and a
> > powermac 6205 (running macos).
> > 
> > yesterday, i added 3 more computers to the LAN, a q840av/macos, a
> > IIvx/macos and a IIcx/macos. After these computers were configured for
> > using the internet through the netbsd box, and tcp connections were opened
> > from all of them to computer outside the lan, with no significant
> > bandwidth, the netbsd system froze - ethernet, the ui (X), everything.
> > Eventually, i got around the annoying crashing by opening tcp connections
> > to the netbsd router, and opening connections out from there.
> > 
> > I'd like to know why this happened. does anyone have any thoughts?
> > I don't have a stack trace, but if necessary, i will reproduce the
> > situation and send it to anyone who could make use of it.
> It might be nice to see one.  That way, at least someone will know where
> to start :-)  Otherwise, it's kinda hard to figure out where the hangup is
> happening....

Okay, next time it happens i'll get a stack trace.  IOW, when i have all
the other computers on my LAN - probably within a couple weeks.

> BTW, assuming I didn't snip it, what version of NetBSD are you using?

NetBSD 1.3.1 with GENERIC#0 kernel.


  - a