Subject: Upgrading and 1.3.2
To: port-mac68k mailing list <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/22/1998 21:37:26
Recently, I've started to download the 1.3.1 binaries (making the
transition from 1.3).  Couldn't help but notice the 1.3.2 directory.  Do we
have a new version on the horizon?

	Reading through the install document, the transition from 1.3.1 from 1.3
seems pretty straightforward, but I'd like to toss out a few questions for
the sake of my own peace of mind.  Screwing up may be half the fun, but
unscrewing usually isn't the other half :-).

	It looks like one needs to acquire and install the entire filesystem.
Any sets that can be skipped, or am I correct in thinking that there's been
a	little changed in all of them?

	The INSTALL doc mentions a change in location for some of the files from
1.2...any such changes from 1.3.1, or is one safe in unpacking the .tgz
sets from / while in single-user?  It appears that the new files will
unpack themselves over the old ones while leaving non-set files in place.
(ie--if I have an extra program in /bin (not included in the distribution
set), it will still be there after unpacking the tar file.  Correct, or do
I need to do a preliminary weed-through.  (Yeah, I know I probably
shouldn't have stuck the extra stuff there in the first place...but...)

	Any changes in /etc from 1.3 to 1.3.1?

	I'd like to bypass the mac side of things for the install itself.  Since
I have access to a CD writer on the mac side, I was planning on downloading
the files on the mac side, then burning an ISO-9960 CD-ROM, mounting that
from within NetBSD and unpacking.  Sound feasable?

	Anything stupid but not obvious that I ought to avoid?

	Thanks in advance!

Steve Revilak