Subject: Re: src files
To: None <>
From: Rolf Braun <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/02/1998 11:14:47
>On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, endgame wrote:
>> 	I am also experiencing two other problems (which may be related)
>> 	2) in c-shell (or sh for that matter) I can't run any programs
>> that I compile myself (they say command not found, even when I'm in the
>> same directory)  any ideas?
>Assuming you're root, by default, the local directory isn't in your path,
>to ensure that you don't accidentally run rogue programs or whatever.
>That having been said, I suspect that most ppl add it to their path
>anyway....  At the end, preferrably, so it's searched last.
>You can execute programs in the local directory by explicitly specifying
>their exact path or by preceding the program name with "./" (w/o quotes).
>If you want to add the . directory to your search path, with sh, you could
>add the line
>export PATH=$PATH:.
>to .profile or whatever.  I forget the syntax for csh and derivatives.

set path=($path .)

csh seems to automatically export this; you shouldn't need a separate setenv.

BTW: After adding programs to the directories in your path, you may need to
type "rehash" to get csh to recognize them, or restart csh. I don't think
you need to rehash after changing the path variable, though.

- Rolf Braun - -
- Sassy Software: cool software for your Macintosh or Apple IIgs
- Rolf's HTML & Stuff: creative web design for less

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