Subject: Re: Boot up m68k Mac (Re: NetBSD PPC)
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: SUNAGAWA Keiki <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/09/1998 23:58:53
"Erik E. Fair" <> wrote:

Erik> I am thinking of

Erik> SONNET Technologies
Erik> DayStar Digital (gone - assets purchased by MacWorks)
Erik> Radius (gone - Merged with SuperMac, and purchased by
Erik> Umax)
Erik> Applied Engineering (gone)

Hmm, the rest of the time seems to be little.

Erik> Each of these companies produced "add-in" CPUs for
Erik> various models of the 68k-based Macintoshes that were
Erik> faster than the stock CPUs; they had to be intimate
Erik> with the details of booting the Mac to get MacOS to
Erik> run on their CPU instead of the main one on the
Erik> motherboard...

Erik> Now, whether they will part with any of that
Erik> information is another matter.  If we can convince
Erik> that we're expanding the market for their hardware
Erik> products, perhaps they will...

Thanks for the info, I'll write to them...