Subject: Re: help!
To: s9 <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/10/1998 08:50:47
On Tue, 9 Jun 1998, s9 wrote:

> netbsdmac68k question.....i have a performa475 with a 1.2gig hd.
> i got nebsd for mac68k and i partitioned the hd to have two
> partitions(swap and root) swap was about 150megs and root was about
> 850megs. i then ran the mkfs app and made the swap partition swap and
> the root partition "Root&User." there was one more partition on the list
> but it said Free<Unused Partition or somthing like that. 

You didn't say that you created a filesystem on the Root&User partition.
Did you?

> then i
> installed the files "Kernel.tgz, base.tgz, man.tgz, etc.tgz,
> netbsd-GENERIC.gz". after installing these i then did a build devices
> and then tried to boot. it went throught the boot ok but it then when
> the screen came up it was white with black text and it says at the top
> "<preserving 323482 bytes of the netbsd symbol table>" and it just sits
> there and locks up.