Subject: Re: Boot up m68k Mac (Re: NetBSD PPC)
To: Dr. Bill Studenmund <>
From: Greg Evans <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/10/1998 09:01:09
On 6/9/98 2:26 PM, Dr. Bill Studenmund was rumored to have said.....

>I'm not sure. Can PC's read 1.44 MB Mac (MFM-format) floppies? If so, then
>someone somewhere in the world would need a mac to generate 1.44 MB
>install floppies, then generate gzip'd images of those disks. Then you FTP
>them to a MacOS-less place, make floppies, and you're set.

PC's can read Mac floppies with an add-on program

Greg Evans
StudioRave Alpha