Subject: Re: good (free) dhcp server
To: Ben Zeller <>
From: Andrew Brennan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/22/1998 11:27:59
   You could try ISC's code.  I've compiled it on my home systems in the
   past, but my home network is usually too small to effectively test it
   for multiple subnets.  :^)

   I *do* use ISC's DHCP server at work, though.  We have a considerable
   number of clients using this server on a daily basis.

   Check for it:

   andrew.  (

    "Last laugh?  I don't want it -- laughter wasn't meant to cease."

On Mon, 22 Jun 1998, Ben Zeller wrote:

> 	Does anyone out there know of a good (free) dhcp server that will
> run nicely under MacBSD?  Preferibly one that handles multiple subnets,