Subject: porting question
To: macbsd <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/26/1998 16:49:25
Two questions:

1st) I installed windowmaker w/ the pkg_add command (Wow is this easy
adding software now) and it installed, I lauched it  & I works, sort
of.  When ever it tries to access an icon I get a message that it
couldn't convert and RImage to an XImage. The icons on the tiles are
more noise than a decernable pattern.  Has anyone had this experience? 
Was it easy to fix?

2nd) I downloaded AfterStep 1.4 from and followed
directions to ./configue, xmkmf, make Makefiles, make; make install;
make  I get an error an hour or so into the compile stage
where it looks for freeBSD files.  mainly to do w/ scsi if I
remember(freebsc_scsi.c & freeBSD_cdrom_scsi.c?????).  I know
Afterstep-1.0pre2 was ported and I use it successfully.  What voodoo did
you work on that source to get it to compile under NetBSD mac68k?

If I can get this compiled I'll make the binaries available.

