Subject: Re: new snapshot
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Justin R. Smith <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/29/1998 09:42:11
>After weeks of training, vacation and kids hogging my computer, I've
>managed to put a new snapshot up on
>Steve Allen -   ICQ

It bombed on my machine (a P475 with full 68040, 20meg of RAM and 64 meg of
swap). This has happened with the last 20 or so snapshots, though. (I think
the first
version that worked on my system was also the last that worked on it).

After it said

Building databases

it fell into the debugger and reported a bus error (I didn't write down all
the numbers
that came up...). I guess I'll just keep my old slow but working release...

Thanks anyway!

Time blows wildly against my door       | Justin R. Smith
Stirring discarded sorrows              | Department of Mathematics and
Like dead leaves of summers past        |     Computer Science
Memories of forgotten lore              | Drexel University
Making way for new tomorrows            | Philadelphia, PA 19104
New hopes, new fears,                   |
         and new ways that last         | Office: (215) 895-1847
c Justin R. Smith, March 14, 1994       | Fax:    (215) 895-1582

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