Subject: Re: Question: 3Com Ethlink/NB
To: <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/29/1998 12:57:59
     I will check it out.  Some nice "user friendly" jumpers would be a 
     great find!
     Thanks for the inormation,

___________________________________ $BJV?.(J _______________________________________
$B7oL>(J: Re: Question: 3Com Ethlink/NB
$BAw?.<T(J:  cwood ( at internet
$BF|IU(J:    98/06/29 10:23

most multi-port cards i've seen either use a switch or a set of jumpers to
determine which media type to use.  are there any of either available?

Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - PMD                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.