Subject: port-mac68k-digest V1 #478 (fwd)
To: port-mac <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/11/1998 16:13:41
>From: Ken Nakata <>
>Having individual dial-up hosts do DNS look-ups and SMTP is quite
>inefficient, so it is better to forward all out-going messages to your
>ISP's SMTP hub (or so I'm told).

The thing here was the recipient** host doing the dns lookup, to verify
a valid address of origination.  Anti-SPAM measure, perhaps.


>From: Skeelo <>
>I'd read much more about this before attempting a How-To if I were you.
>IMHO. But if there is a high demand for this stuff I could put together
>something. I recently trudged through the sendmail operations guide and
>cf/README docs, before setting up two m4 configurations. (One for my box
>and one for a friend's solaris box.)

That's a fair criticism.  This was a learning experience for me.  My
disclaimer is that it's now running happily for me.  I just read until I
found something that seemed likely to fix the problem...then tried to
implement it.

>> In the sendmail sources directory (I'll refer to this as /sendmail
>> from here on in..) you'll find subdirectory called /cp.  Find the
>						    ^^^^
>that's .../sendmail/cf nailed me....

>I'd try starting with .../sendmail/cf/cf/ and just copying
>it to in .../sendmail/cf/cf (working from the netbsd src
>not the sendmail src package). There is a nice Makefile here that makes m4
>"compilation" easy. (make

I happened to have the Sendmail sources on hand, but unfortunately not
the BSD ones.

>>From the cf/README file:
>The general rules are that the order should be:
>        VERSIONID
>        OSTYPE
>        DOMAIN
>        FEATURE
>        local macro definitions
>        MAILER
>        LOCAL_RULESET_*

These already existed in the generic-bsd .cf file.  I just appended the
masquerade feature.

>/etc/ is a listing of hosts that your server should accept mail
>for, it is not a dbm database (like /etc/aliases) but just a plain text
>file. For most cases it should be fine to just comment this out. There are
>also m4 macros to get rid of this in your .cf file. Sendmail should be
>happy with an empty file also. (touch /etc/

Okay...even simpler.  I couldn't find anything which described the
formatting of the file.  But I do see that there is an easy way to get
rid of it (the .cw option).  I was wondering how to turn that off.

My first try involved touching ''.  On the outbound
side..worked fine.  On the inbound side..Fetchmail refused to accept
anything until I commented it out.  (Unknown SMTP error).

Thanks for the explanations.  I'll do a little re-reading over the
