Subject: Re: HELP : Strange thing with JAZ
To: Fabiano Petrone <>
From: Josh Hope <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/26/1998 03:04:32
First of all, it was a good thing to put it on a normal hard drive.
NetBSD isn't so good from a Jaz drive. The first, and foremost reason, is
that Jaz drives tend to "overheat" after being turned on for long periods
of time. Very bad flaw, especially on UN*X systems which usually have
uptimes of weeks or months...
That's pretty all I know about the Jaz. As to the fate of your cartridge,
I'm not sure. It looks pretty bad, though. You may need to buy a new one.
The Jaz is a very unreliable drive, in my eyes. I'm sure there are others
who use it without these problems, but..
Sorry I could not be of more assistance!