Subject: Mdeom Port on Classic II
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Foakes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/28/1998 20:02:55
An update on NetBSD version 1.3.2 on my Classic II with apologies for
those who are bored silly by this.
I've managed to get a ppp link between my Classic II and another Mac
running OT/PPP, with a few error messages and generally slow connection
(it's time to play with a few of those ppp options). As I'm not dialling
out, I've put pppd in /etc/ttys for tty01 rather than getty. But, I've
had to do this with tty01 as tty00 never responds. It doesn't even let
me put a terminal on it under getty, which tty01 does. Does this mean I
have a piece of dead hardware or is there some other process that sets up
the modem port in a strange way that is stopping either getty or pppd
from working properly?
Many thanks,
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *
Andrew Foakes | I share my birthday with
| Margaret Thatcher and my home
E-mail: | town with the Queen, but I'll
Home page: | share my opinions with anybody.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *