Subject: Re: BSD --> Laser Printer?
To: Steve Revilak <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/01/1998 13:54:03
> Question regarding printer setup:
> I have a laserprinter (an old Gcc -- Postscript, uses appletalk) that I've
> been trying to set up to work with NetBSD, and I've hit a stumbling block
> creating a printcap entry.
> What device should lp be assigned to? (Man pages list /dev/lp as the
> 'default line printer driver' but that file doesn't seem to exist.) I took
> a guess at /dev/tty01 (printer port), set up a spool directory...
How is the printer connected. LocalTalk?
If so, then I'm afraid you're out of luck. I'm working on LocalTalk support,
but it's slow going (I'm also trying to get a job, and I broke all my
kernels recently. :-(.
If you have an Ethernet connection & Ethernet/LocalTalk bridge, Netatalk
will work fine.
Take care,