Subject: Re: xwindows
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/03/1998 09:36:03
Michael G. Schabert wrote:
> >assuming you're using NetBSD 1.3 or later, you need to _create_
> >/etc/rc.conf and add the appropriate line(s) to it. it is no longer
> >necessary to add the above to /etc/rc.local. the faq should note this
> >before too much longer.
> Ummm, Colin meant to create /etc/ NOT create rc.conf. The
> latter already exists.
ummmm...yeah, what he said ;-)
sorry, it must still be too early in the morning here....
thanks for catching that one!
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - PMD Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.