Subject: Re: unable to "startx"
To: None <>
From: Fabrizio Catalano <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/13/1998 16:52:12
>Fabrizio Catalano wrote:
>> The command "startx" clears the screen, and I get a line at the bottom of
>> the screen:
>> Screen 0 at 0x41e5000, 832 by 624, rowB 832, fbbase 0
> ^ This `0' looks
>very suspcious. Can you try another resolution? If not, how about
>another kernel (preferably one from current snapshot).
>Hope it helps,
I have tryed a different resolution, connecting my box to another monitor
from a PC using an adaptor, i reached a resolution of 512 x 384 and finally
i've seen the X windows system running..
Using my monitor in MacOs 8 the only resolution allowed is 832 x 384 and
starting X i get every time only the line specified above, than the machine
Internal video hardware is used with an Apple 16" RGB monitor, i get the
same problem on a Quadra 700 and on a Quadra 650.
The kernel is 1.3.2 GENERIC, RAM is 20MB with 40MB of swap.
How fix this?