Subject: Re: multihoming
To: Ben Zeller <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/20/1998 09:51:20
Ben Zeller wrote:
> Hello folks,
> 	This isn't specific to the mac68k port, but I was wondering if
> anyone was familiar with how to set up a MacBSD box to use two ethernet
> cards each connected to a different subnet (each with its own IP
> number...).  If anyone out there knows of a help resource, please let me
> know,

It's not really any different than setting up 1 card:

1) get 2 Ethernet cards
2) get 2 IP addresses
3) make up 2 names, one for each card
4) make sure that you have the names matching up with the IP addresses
   in /etc/hosts
5) create ifconfig files for each card (if both are DP8390-based, then
   you'll have ifconfig.ae0 and ifconfig.ae1, if one or more is a SONIC
   card, it'll be ifconfig.sn0 or ifconfig.sn1).  take a look at your
   boot messages to see what the device number is
6) if you need to know more about configuring an interface, take a look
   at the mac68k networking howto at

i hope this helps.


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - PMD                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.