Subject: Re: ethernet-to-localtalk (slightly off-topic)
To: Ulrich Hausmann <>
From: Eric Damien Berna <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/24/1998 16:54:39
At 1:45 PM -0500 8/24/98, Ulrich Hausmann wrote:
>>Von: Ben Zeller <>
>>That is incorrect. Localtalk does support TCP/IP traffic.
>Indeed, that's what I thought too, since OpenTransport related control panel
>TCP/IP offers AppleTalk (MacIP)/Ethernet/PPP as choices. Same on the GS when
>the nbew "Marinetti" will be released (soon) . . .
I'll take Ben Zeller's word for it that LocalTalk can transmit pure TCP/IP
traffic. But that is different from the AppleTalk (MacIP) choice in
OpenTransport. That choice sends TCP/IP traffic over an AppleTalk network
encapsulated in AppleTalk packets. It requires a MacIP server that is
reachable by both the AppleTalk devices and the TCP/IP router. When using
MacIP, only AppleTalk packets are sent over the AppleTalk network (with the
TCP/IP data packed inside the AppleTalk packets).
Eric Damien Berna
Thiel Visual Design
Phone: 414.271.0775