Subject: Re: Kernel Start-up Question
To: I-Jong Lin , Ken Nakata <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/26/1998 01:34:22
> Hmm.  So, just limiting the discussion to my Mac IIcx, is the MMU
> on or off at the start of NetBSD?

NetBSD does not assume that the MMU is on or off.  Different versions of
MacOS left the machine in different states at boot time, so NetBSD
basically attempts to read the memory configuration, reconfigures,
and enables things.  What exactly are you doing now?  Poking the card
to reset from the booter?  Or poking the card when you get into NetBSD?
Have you considered changing the code in locore.s to something like:

	tstl	have_accel
	bne	_ASM_LABEL(real_start)
	movl	_ASM_LABEL(real_start), 4
	movl	poke_card

I'm not sure the macros or syntax is quite right, but I think you get
the idea.  This should be OK on the IIcx, if the MMU is off in the
MacOS, or if it's mapped PA==VA.


                    Allen Briggs -