Subject: SCSI Controller Values?
To: NetBSD Port-mac68k <>
From: I-Jong Lin <ijonglin@EE.Princeton.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/04/1998 13:54:42
> >   There seems to be some problems with UNIX writing to the disk w/
> >Carrera040 accelerator, i.e. it screws up the root node in the filesystem,
> >making it unreadable.  Any tricks or patches that I should know about
> >or any issues relating how the SCSI bus interacts w/ the accelerator?
> The SCSI controller can only be accessed a certain number of times per
> seconds, and it is likely that the low-level global that is supposed to
> control the ROM's timing of this isn't getting updated, or that the UNIX
> kernel is ignoring this value.
> The value is stored in TimeSCSIDB, and is the DBRA timer used between
> accesses to the SCSI controller (there is also a TimeVIADB which is a timer
> between accesses to the VIA, a.k.a. serial, controller).
> //
> // Glenn L. Austin

So, kernel guys, where do these magical SCSI controller values reside
in the source code?  Or is it passed in through the MacOS global values?
