Subject: Re: 3 Button Mouse?
To: None <>
From: Roger Fischer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/12/1998 15:56:02
>Roger Fischer <> wrote:
>>Is anybody using a 3 button mouse on their NetBSD Mac?
>>I read the FAQ and it mentions Logitech.
>Mouse Systems A3 works under NetBSD. Picked mine up a Fry's. Now if I
>can just recover from that last *&^%^%$ disk crash!
Well, I haven't been able to find the A3 mouse, (not even on their web
site). Maybe it's been discontinued. But, the Fry's in my part of town
(LA) had what
I think is a newer version, the Mouse Systems "MacPoint Pro". I parted
with my $40 and bought it on the chance that the only thing that changed
was the shape.
Yup, NetBSD recognized it as a three button "A3" mouse. Works great.
You can add this one to the list.