Subject: Re: Problem with 1.3.2 and X
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Chris Jewell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/09/1998 08:17:52
> sounds to me like you either didn't install the xfont.tgz distrib set, or
> else managed to install it to the wrong place (i.e. somewhere other than
> /usr/X11R6)
I used the BSD installer to install the xwindows stuff and it put the
font package in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts but there is no metion of
something called "fixed" in any of the sub directories. I even
re-installed the font package and it still did not work. The xwindows
distribution is the one that was included in the ftp directory for 1.3.2
so I know I have the corect version. Is there anyway to change the
default font so this error does not occur? Also, in the rc.conf do I need
to have xdm set to YES? When I boot I get an error saying it cannot find
the libarary for the xdm stuff? I know there is a way to add the X11R6
lib to the lib path with ldconfig but, how can I set that to be done at
boot up?
-Chris Jewell
"If a man tried to take his time on earth and prove,
before he died what one man's life could be worth,
I wonder what would happen to this world"
- Harry Chapin