Subject: Compiling kernels...
To: NetBSD Digest <>
From: Mark de Jong <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/11/1998 21:47:21
I'm currently running NetBSD v1.3.2 on a IIcx with (a whopping) 8M of ram
and a 1.2GB hard drive.
It works well and I'm hesitant to modify things ... however, I keep seeing
references to people "recompiling the kernel" to improve performance or to
add features or to run the latest version.
I read the FAQs on compiling the kernel, but I don't think I have the
source for my version (1.3.2) of NetBSD. I went to, but
couldn't find those particular sources (the "current" sources seem to be
there, tho).
Where can I find the 1.3.2 sources (and how long will it take to compile
this on a IIcx with 8M of RAM)?
-- Mark
Mark de Jong Macintosh Development