Subject: re: Quantum drive // upgrade problems
To: None <>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/01/1998 13:30:40
Paul Goyette <> wrote:
> > The thing catching my attention -- 'Warning: xxx sectors in last cylinder
> > unallocated'. Never had this one crop up before.
> All the error message really means is that, because the total number of
> blocks in the partition is not an exact multiple of the number of
> sectors per cylinder, it is not going to be able to map that final,
> partial "virtual" cylinder. 314 blocks is only 157KB, so don't worry
> about it!
Encouraging, that all it was was an 'I told you so message'. Thanks.
> > Are there certain flags I should consider checking the setting of (ie--
> > blind transfers, interleave, etc)...since FWB gives the option, and apple
> > doesn't.
> Don't mess with those! :)
I don't unless I have to. :-) My work involves my spending a got bit
of time working with digital audio. I can recall doing some
freelance work at a studio where one of the storage drives was an
absolute DOG to work turned out to be an interleave that
was set to high. Fine after a change/and reformat..then again, he
shouldn't have been messing with it in the first place :-)
I did get it to work eventually. Not posted in this digest, but I was
given the tip of placing the root & usr partitions before swap. That
did it. Final configuration ended up being:
* root partition (100mb)
* usr (1036 mb- whatever was left)
* swap (36 meg)
* macOs (50 meg)
(That message is 'over on the other side' in a Eudora mailbox, so I
apologize for not thanking the person personally.)
A day now, and so good. Fingers crossed. The quantum
fireball TM1280 was okay with root at the top....
Also FWIW, The DDS drive I have is WangDAT 3200. (Old but it works). I
don't know if there's a status listing for that device in particular,
but in my experience, it's been totally problem free.
Thanks for the help!
Steve Revilak
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