Subject: termcap
To: port-mac68k <>
From: Richard Massey <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/03/1998 13:57:24
How does a complete novice edit a termcap file?
The standard xterm (xterm-r6) has unusual (VT style) escape strings for
F1 to F4 (k1 to k4) in the file and more usual strings after this.
I changed the termcap file to reflect the strings expected by our host with
no effect. I suspect that the problem is that the termcap.db file is what
is being used :-(. I attempted to edit this using vi but got strange
xconsole behaviour and reverted to the original settings.

What I need is function keys reporting the following
k1(F1)	/E[11~		currently	/EOP
k2(F2)	/E[12~				/EOQ
k3(F3)	/E[13~				/EOR
k4(F4)	/E[14~				/EOS
k5(F5)	/E[15~				/E[15~ (ie OK)
