Subject: Attempts at support for Apple 8-24 GC video card
To: NetBSD Macintosh68K port mailing list <>
From: Jason W. Fogt <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/15/1998 00:23:05
Greetings everyone.  A recent gift to me has caused me to acquire an Apple
Macintosh 8-24 GC NuBus video card.  It is my understanding that NetBSD
doesn't have video interrupt information for this card at this point in
time.  However, having a programming background, and having run NetBSD
quite happily on my Mac IIci for almost 2 years now, I decided it was time
to begin the trek down the long and slippery slope of kernel coding.  

After much fun and games with MacsBug, I believe I have successfully
isolated the interrupt handling functions for this card, and have happily
modified grf_nubus.c and nubus.h with the information I have found.  It is
at this point that I have run into some problems/ questions.

1.  Is there any good way to tell if I am really clearing the interrupt
for the card ?  My values seem a bit "strange" compared to those for the
other cards that are in the code.

2.  NetBSD (no matter what bit depth I have the card set to) seem to
always think that the card is in monochrome mode.  Where exactly is this
determination made, and how do I go about fixing this ?

3.  On the kernels that boot, it claims that ite is not configured.  How
do I fix this ?

4.  On the booting kernels, I can run a minimal console fine, but once I
try using X (using the OSFA server), X starts up, but it never appears on
my monitor.  i.e. I can login to xdm, type my username and password, and
then use the xterm that eventually would appear, but I am doing it all
blindly, i.e. my screen doesn't change from the getty login prompt (though
xdm does lock/ grab the keyboard like it is supposed to).

Some things I have available to help me in my coding / have produced (and
can post/ send to people if they really want/ need them):

* the differences to grf_nubus.c and nubus.h from NetBSD-current to my

* the log files of MacsBug that I received as I traced the interrupt.

* Inside Macintosh : Devices ( p.s. When did Apple post the pdf's for all
of IM for free on their developer pages ? )

* printouts of dmesg from kernals that have successfully booted (sorta).

* If needed, telnet access into the machine could probably also be
arranged, although since I am no longer at the U of Chicago, I have a
dynamic IP.

Any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.

Jason W. Fogt

Jason W. Fogt             |"What then shall we say in response to this -  If| God is for us, who can be against us ?" - Rom. 8:31