Subject: Re: netbsd on P476
To: port-mac <>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/18/1998 07:24:59
> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 12:41:57 -0600 (CST)
> From: Joe Laffey <>
> Subject: P476 
> Anyone running NetBSD on a Performa 476? I have a real 040 in there (from
> an old Rocket card). Any pitfalls? Is it stable?
> I'm running fine on a Q700 now, but the P476 has more memory, and I'd like
> a second box...

As far as I know the P475/P476/Q605 are all essentailly the same
machine, with different 'packaging' from apple.  I'm running a Q605
with a full 040 and and OWC 33 mHz clock chipper.  Stable for me.

It's 1.3.2 with the sbc kernel (the new hard drive, a Quantum Fireball
TM1280S likes that one better.).  With a different HD, (IBM 3171) it's
also ran with the NCR kernel.  1.3 also worked.

Steve Revilak