Subject: 2 easy ones
To: <>
From: Lars M Gustafsson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/03/1998 20:57:42
Sad to say that i had to reboot my ci after running NetBSD f=F6r 179 =
but its up and running again, it was atalkd that goofed.
I have 2 (easy) questions.

1) When does cron read the root crontab , i have made alterations
and sent a HUP to cron, but nothing happens, after a reeboot i seems
to read it though, but i'm not much inte rebooting :-)

2) I have installed a webcam that ftp's a jpeg to the server every =
it works fine, BUT i get at ftp-log msg to the telnet-screen every =
(logged in as root). I have tried to make alterations to syslog.conf
and even sent HUP to syslogd , but.. nothing works. Is there a way
to disable these messages.


"What is your one purpose in life ?"
"To explode of course"
--  Antiloop, Purpose in life